


The town of Barriers is in the west of Bahia, and is 853 km and 622 km from Salvador to Brasilia; Distrito Federal. Barriers’ name derives from the mountains that cover the city which prevented the shipping.

Rio de Ondas

A place is often visited: River Wave, with its crystal waters and strong rapid ideal for day trips by boat, kayak or duke. It is worth visiting the Country Club of River Wave, the cottages of Buritis and Tres Bocas.

Cachoeira do Acaba Vida

Only 90km from the city of Barreiras, close to Luis Eduardo Magalhaes.
The Rio de Janeiro was the most beautiful postcards of Walls, Waterfalls Ends Life and Redondo.
Barreiras Leaving the BR 020 are 90 km from the town of Aqaba to the Waterfall, a journey where you can enjoy the natural beauty of the city.
The Waterfall of Life ends has 36m of free fall of lush beauty, surrounded by woods, offers a visually impacting for visitors. A place worth a visit.

Cachoeira do Redondo

Located in an area of environmental protection, it has a large pool of crystal clear waters that provide visitors with an indescribable feeling.
Following a further 20 km after the Waterfall of Life ends on a dirt road bordering the Rio de Janeiro, one arrives at the Waterfall Redondo.

Centro Historico de Barreiras

In the Historic Center are focused the most ancient streets and squares of the city and where we can still enjoy the houses built in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.

Created by: Renata, Kira and Amilton

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